Summer. This salivating Seattleite’s favorite time of year. I know, for months I’ve been going on and on about juicy summer tomatoes and ripe peaches but I’ve barely posted anything. No, I haven’t forgotten about the blog or stopped cooking; I recently started a new job as a culinologist/nutritionist consultant which has kept me very, very busy to say the least.
Joey stays busy too! |
And while this summer hasn’t been as carefree or relaxing as summers past, there’s still been plenty to be salivating about. There have been plum cakes and lemon muffins, smoked salmon and shrimp ceviche, grilled pizza and pesto quinoa salads. There have been dozens of juicy peaches, pounds of ruby strawberries, and at least 5 huge watermelons. I’ve gotten to see good friends and family (although not for as long as I would have liked!) and gone on a few day beautiful day trips to the San Juan Islands.
There have been birthday parties and birthday cakes. Like this..
German Chocolate Cake with Pink Italian Meringue |
And this…
Devil’s Food Cake with Marshmallow Icing |
And this…
Coconut Chiffon Cake with Lime Bavarian Cream filling, Coconut Meringue, Lime Curd and Toasted Coconut Shavings |
I’ll be posting cake recipes and more soon, promise. For now, I’m gonna soak up the last few weeks of summer while I still can. I hope your summer (wherever you are) has been as celebratory as mine.